Learning Languages: Tips and Resources

Learning Languages: Tips and Resources for the Journey towards Cultural Diversity and Personal Growth

Hey, I’m Alina – an occupational therapist who moved to America in February 2023. Since settling in bustling Miami in May 2023, my life has changed in many ways. The constant presence of Spanish-speaking people has not only broadened my cultural perception but also intensified my interest in language learning.

Learning a new language not only opens up new communication pathways but also provides insights into different cultures and fosters personal growth. As care professionals, we also have the opportunity to improve our language skills. Here, I present media that you can use both before your departure and during your time abroad.

Before Departure

Language Learning Apps & Online Courses

  • There are many options online for apps, both free and paid. I’ve found that they often offer sales multiple times a year. It’s really helpful to try out different ones to see which learning style and app design suit you best. For example, I’ve tried Duolingo, Babbel, Rosetta Stone, and others.

Online Tandem Partners

  • For me, apps like Tandem or HelloTalk are fantastic for communicating with native speakers. I find them particularly useful when I already have a certain level and can engage in simple conversations. This way, I can progress faster and learn more effectively.

Movies, Videos & Podcasts

  • For me, YouTube videos and podcasts are the perfect choice for learning a new language. They allow me to improve my listening comprehension and become familiar with pronunciation. Many channels also offer additional learning materials. A tip: Watch children’s movies like Disney films. Seeing the actors’ facial expressions helps you understand the new language better, and it’s fun!

Language Courses

  • For those who prefer a structured environment for learning, it’s worth looking into language courses in their area. Personally, I decided to improve my Spanish by taking additional online language courses. I’ve tried both paid courses, like those by Michael Harper, and free courses through platforms like Alison.


Everyday Communication

  • In my first host family, there were hardly any opportunities for everyday communication. After I switched, it became even more important for me to actively engage. At first, I was mainly a listener and unsure in English small talk. But by gradually participating more, I not only became more confident in speaking but also understood the language better. Everyday interaction is crucial for language development.

Reading and Listening Materials

  • For me, it’s crucial to immerse myself in the language and culture through reading and listening materials. I read books, newspapers, and magazines in the target language and listen to local radio stations or podcasts to deepen my knowledge. I started with children’s books and gradually increased the difficulty.

Local Language Courses

  • Although I didn’t attend local language courses, I encourage everyone to inquire about language courses or conversation groups in their area and participate. These offer a great opportunity to improve skills and meet new people.

Language Exchange with Locals

  • Another important aspect of my language acquisition is exchanging with locals in everyday situations such as in the supermarket, restaurants, or with friends. These encounters not only help improve language skills but also build genuine friendships.

Media in the Target Language

  • To further immerse myself in the language and culture, I watched local shows and movies, listened to music, and watched YouTube videos. This not only improved my language usage but also provided insights into the locals’ way of life.