Special Moments from a special time abroad – Part III

Farina Herold – Arlington, VA

meeting my fiancé

Alija Lika – Denver, CO

Getting to spend three months in Arizona with my Host Family and getting to travel and do lots of things while being there. I learned that I also really like doing things for myself and traveling alone was really special for me. I was able to take this time for myself and do my credits online:)

Gina Behnke – New Rochelle, NY

There is not only one special moment here. One of my favorites was a road trip with the friends I made here to Washington DC and the Hamptons. Another one was my ride home from the airport, my Host Mom and the kids picked me up.

I learned a lot about ADHD and that you need a lot of patience for children with this special need.

I want to volunteer in summer when it’s getting warmer outside.

Lisa Pinkert – Tarzana, CA

Taking care of a special needs child is intensive, but also can be a lot of joy. Doing therapy every day can be hard, but together with lots of fun, it can be less harder. I participated in intensive at the SMILE Center in Canada and at the NAPA Center in Los Angeles and was able to learn a lot! Both times we did 3 weeks of intensive and how the body can change in those weeks is just incredible!

So there you have it, some great stories about Special Moments from a special time abroad from our Care Professionals.

Stay tuned for part 4 of our series, where we will share more unique and memorable experiences from our Care Professionals‘ time while in the United States. 

Enjoy Reading! 

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Special Moments from a special time abroad – Part III