Special Moments from a special time abroad – Part IV

Alina Gradl – Scottsdale, AZ

The most special moment was when my Host Child fell asleep with me for the first time and then also with his head on my stomach.

Marleen Schienstock – Dallas, TX

My work is in equine therapy. The people with special needs were so happy and grateful for the opportunity to ride horses. I will never forget how their joy transferred to me and how much they were able to learn in a short time. I’m grateful that I was able to accompany them.

Marvin Theel – Boston, MA

To see what impact my work has on my Host Child and the family, that I can help him to become more independent, while still learning a lot for myself. I also met a lot of great people here and have new friends from all over the world.

Jacqueline Utz – Philadelphia, PA

The most special about my time here is that I found a second family here. I learned many things from them, I got way more patient and my Host Kid’s therapist showed me many things I can include in my therapy sessions back in Germany!

So there you have it, some great stories about Special Moments from a special time abroad from our Care Professionals.

Stay tuned for part 5 of our series, where we will share more unique and memorable experiences from our Care Professionals‘ time while in the United States. 

Enjoy Reading! 

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Special Moments from a special time abroad – Part IV