Die besten Erlebnisse aus 2 Jahren PROaupair

Jetzt Infobroschüre anfordern: Als Therapeut*in, Pädagog*in oder Pflegefachkraft ein bezahltes Auslandsjahr in den USA erleben.

Anett lebte 24 Monate in New York City und erlebte Dinge, die sie sich selbst im Traum nicht vorstellte. Welche dies waren, lest ihr hier.

Why should I become an AuPair? Is it worth it to move to a foreign country and live with another family? Aside from the job and my studies – what benefits will I get?

These and many other questions were running through my mind when I applied to become a Professional AuPair with A.P.EX. ProAuPair in 2011.

To get answers, I talked a lot with others who had worked as AuPairs. It also meant a lot to me that I could talk to a Hungarian speaker from the agency (they have employees that speak many languages).

After they answered my questions quickly and helped me through each step of the process I was less anxious. It was nice to feel that I could trust the agency and they would be able to help out with any problems that came up during my time in America. Of course, I had some worries and concerns still, but I knew I would only learn by trying!

I moved to New York City to live with a half-Hungarian family. After the first flight of my life I was so excited about this challenge!

The first year flew by and I was having such a great experience that I decided to extend my program and stay for a 2nd year!

Now that I’m close to the end of my program, I wanted to share with you some of the experiences I expected I’d have – and some things I never thought I would do during my time as a Professional AuPair.

I hope this answers some of your questions, or at least inspires you to take a chance and apply. You never know what you might do on YOUR adventure!

I Thought I Would …

  1. Get a view of raising children from the parent’s viewpoint
  2. Learn about the education methods in the United States
  3. Improve my English
  4. Learn about American culture and customs
  5. Earn money

(and I definitely did all of these things!)

I Never Thought I Would …

  1. Not say a word for 10 full minutes after seeing the view of Manhattan from the Brooklyn Bridge… speechless! I try to show all the new au pairs this view
  2. Run on the beach near the ocean – barefoot – The best part was holding the kids’ hands and waiting for the cold waves to wash over my feet on a hot summer day… I never get bored of it!
  3. Travel to Niagara Falls and see this natural beauty from a boat – I remember standing in line thinking that I had only seen this on post cards before… Unbelievable!
  4. My host parents would teach me how to ski in Vermont during the Christmas holiday – A year later I went again and skied by myself…Exciting!
  5. See a beautiful sunrise sitting near Lake Michigan
  6. Be able to show my sister around New York City
  7. Visit the Grand Canyon… Breathtaking!
  8. Walk for hours through Central Park with my friends
  9. Visit the capital of the United States – Washington D.C.
  10. Hear the five year old girl I take care of saying “Today at school we had to draw a family portrait and I drew you in my picture…” Priceless!

I have had many great experiences and formed valuable friendships in my time here. For me it was definitely worth it to become a Professional AuPair!

Die besten Erlebnisse aus 2 Jahren PROaupair