Special Moments from a special time abroad – Part I

Jetzt Infobroschüre anfordern: Als Therapeut*in, Pädagog*in oder Pflegefachkraft ein bezahltes Auslandsjahr in den USA erleben.

Marcel Rupp – Arlington, VA

I have two very special moments. The first one was my very first concert in my life. It was the Imagine Dragons Concert in Washington DC. I will never forget that special moment. The other moment was my weekend trip to NYC. It was one of my biggest goals in my year abroad to get there.

Irene Koop – Aldie, VA

Going to first watch for breakfast with my Host Dad on my birthday and having a German dinner with my Host Family when my sister and my best friend were visiting.

Karen Gessner – San Francisco, CA

One of the most special moments was, when I got a long hug out of the blue from my Host Child. These moments are very rare, but that makes it just more special.

Besides that, it’s just incredible how loving and caring my Host Family is.

Fritzi Jung – Westford, MA

I am very happy that I took the step to go abroad for a year. I got a lot of new impressions and made many friends during my time here. I also realized how much my personality had grown and I’m really proud of it.

A very special moment for me was the first Care Professional Meeting. I was very nervous and excited to meet everyone for the first time. Our Area Director picked a very nice little café and we sat there and immediately connected with each other. I think our group that we have formed is something very special.

So there you have it, some great stories about Special Moments from a special time abroad from our Care Professionals.

Stay tuned for part 2 of our series, where we will share more unique and memorable experiences from our Care Professionals‘ time while in the United States. 

Enjoy Reading! 

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Special Moments from a special time abroad – Part I