Apex Social Visa Guide - How to Fill Out Your Visa Application

These instructions will guide you through the J-1 visa application process. Please follow each step carefully, ensure you complete your DS-160 form on time, and keep Apex Social updated on your progress.

Check the process:

Important facts about the J1 Visa:

  • The J-1 visa program was established by the US Department of State and is part of a Cultural Exchange program. While on the J-1 program, you are not allowed to obtain any paid employment other than your work as Care Professional for your US Host Family. Violating the rules of the J-1 and/or Apex Social program can result in the termination of  your visa and program participation.

  • All J-1 visa applicants are required to complete the DS-160 application form and attend an in-person interview at a US Consulate preferably in your country of residence. To find a US Consulate you can visit: www.usembassy.gov.
    Germany: Frankfurt am Main, Munich and Berlin
    Austria: Vienna

  • Apex Social will issue a DS-2019 form and other documents that are required to bring to your visa appointment and keep you updated throughout your program.

  • Before you start your application, please make sure that your passport is valid for at least 2 years from your arrival date.

  • Once you complete a section of the DS-160 form, hit „Save“ at the bottom of the page. If the session times out, all of your data will be lost up to the last saving point.

  • Please keep us informed about any progress or changes regarding the visa application, i.e. visa appointment, cancelations, and result of the visa interview.

If you have any questions along the way or notice changes in the application process, please contact Apex Social or send an email to customercare@apex-social.com.

We are happy to assist you!

DS-160 Application

Starting your DS-160 Application Form

Navigating the DS-160 Application Form 01 Start Application

First, go to https://ceac.state.gov/genniv/, select the location where you will be applying for the J-1 visa (i.e. Berlin), and enter the code that is shown on the website. To complete this step, please click „Start an application“.

If you previously started an application, click “Retrieve Application” and enter your Application ID.

On the following screen, you will see the „Computer Fraud and Abuse Act Notices„. Read it carefully and check „I AGREE“ on the bottom left.

Your Application ID has been created, please save this ID number. Next, you need to choose one of the Security Questions and enter your answer in the fields below. Please save this information, too, you will need to enter the Application ID and answer your Security Question when you want to log back into your application later on.

Once you are done, click „Continue„.

Navigating the DS-160 Application Form 02 Computer Fraud full

Continuing your DS-160 Application

If you log back into your DS-160 Application before you paid the visa fee, please visit https://cgifederal.secure.force.com, enter your email, password and the code as shown on the website. On the next page you will be asked to enter the first 5 letters of your „surname“ (last name), year of birth and your application ID.

Continuing your DS-160 Application

Saving your DS-160 Application Form

Saving your DS 160 Application form

Click „Save“ after answering all the questions on each page. This step is crucial, as any unsaved progress may be lost if the session expires.

Once you hit „Save“, you can click „Continue Application“ to continue filling out your DS-160 application form.

Hit „Exit Application“, if you want to work on your DS-160 form later.


Common Issues While Filling Out the DS-160 Application

„Session Timed Out“ Right After Creating Your Application If you encounter this issue, don’t worry—it’s an easy fix. Begin by clearing your browser data or switching to a different browser. We recommend using Google Chrome. If you’re already on Chrome, go to your settings, clear your browser data, refresh the page, and create a new DS-160 application. If the system can’t find the one you started earlier, it’s perfectly fine to start a new application.

„Session Timed Out“ While Filling Out the DS-160 This is a common problem. It typically occurs when the platform experiences high traffic. To resolve it, try clearing your browser data and/or switching to another browser. Alternatively, take a break and return to the application later when traffic might be lighter. Patience is key when using this website!

Error Messages in Fields Avoid using special characters like ä, ö, ü, ß, or symbols. For example, instead of writing „Hermann-Löhn-Straße 12,“ use „Hermann Loehn Strasse 12.“ This often resolves the issue. If you’re using browser autofill suggestions, they can also trigger errors. In such cases, clear the field and manually type the information instead of relying on autofill or copy-paste. Additionally, double-check for extra spaces at the end of your entries, as these can cause problems too.

Entering Your Name When entering your name, avoid using special characters or symbols. We recommend entering your name exactly as it appears on the machine-readable section of your passport (the section with the two lines of text at the bottom). Be consistent and write your name this way throughout the entire visa application process.

By following these tips, you’ll be able to navigate the DS-160 process with ease!

Navigating the DS-160 Application Form 05 Entering your name

Filling out the DS-160 Form - "Personal"

DS-160 Personal Information

Personal Information 1:

While filling out the application form, please use ae, oe, ue or ss, instead of ä, ö, ü or ß.

  • surnames = last names
  • given names = all first and middle names
  • Marital Status – single
  • Date & Place of Birth as shown on your passport (state/ province = Bundesland)
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continue to the next section!

Personal Information 2:

  • National Identification Number = Personalausweisnummer
  • „U.S. Social Security Number“ & „U.S. Taxpayer ID Number“
    • if you have not worked or studied in the US, and have not paid taxes – you will not have a U.S. Taxpayer ID Number please click: „Does Not Apply“.
DS-160 Personal Information 2

Filling out the DS-160 Form - "Travel information"

DS-160 Travel Information
  • Purpose of your trip – select „EXCHANGE VISITOR (J)“
  • Specify – „Exchange Visitor (J1)“
  • Arrival in the USA:
    • Date of Arrival: please enter the US arrival date that you and your host family have agreed on (you can find the date in the email with the Visa Instructions that we sent you, as well as on your DS-2019 form that you have received via mail
    • Arrival Flight: we will send you your flight details once your visa has been approved, you can leave this field empty
    • Arrival City: please enter the hometown of your host family
  • Departure from the USA:
    • Date of Departure: for Visa Application purposes, please enter the date of your departure that is exactly one year after your arrival date, i.e. your arrival date is 01/01/2022, your departure date will be 01/01/2023 – you may still extend your program duration later on
    • Departure Flight: please leave this field empty, we will contact you before the end of your program to book your return flight
    • Departure City: please enter the hometown of your host family
  • Locations you will visit in the US: please enter the host family’s hometown
  • Address where you will stay in the US: please enter your host family’s home address that we have provided in the Visa Instruction email
  • Person/ Entity paying for your trip : „Other Company / Organization“

Please use the following contact information:

Name of organization: Apex PROaupair
Telephone number: 8447876566
Relationship to you: Au Pair Organization
Street address (line 1): 555 N El Camino Real
Street address (line 2): Suite A-435 

City: San Clemente
State: CA
Postal Code: 92672
Country: United States of America

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continue to the next section!

Filling out the DS-160 Form - "Travel companion"

Please Select „No“.

DS-160 Travel Companion

Filling out the DS-160 Form - "Previous US Travel"

DS-160 Previous US Travel Choices

Q1 includes entering the US as a tourist

Please answer all questions truthfully!

  • Q2 does not include an ESTA

If you answered Q1 with „Yes“, please add all of your trips to the US. Use „Add Another“ and enter any additional visit to the US.

In case you had a US Driver’s License in the past, i.e. from a previous J-1 program participation, please click „Yes“, add the Driver’s License Number if you can and select the US State your previous license was issued by.

If you answered Q2 with „Yes“, please enter the issue date and Visa Number of your last visa.

  • Select „Yes“, if you are applying for a second J-1 visa
  • Select „Yes“, if you still live in the same country you did when you applied for your first US visa

Example: you were a German

citizen and went to the US

Consulate in Berlin

DS-160 Previous US Travel

Where to find your US Visa Number:

USA wiza anonymous

Filling out the DS-160 Form - "Address and Phone Information"

DS-160 Address and Phone Information

Mailing Address – you may want to consider a different mailing address, i.e. your parent’s home, if you wish to have your passport mailed to someone who is more likely going to be home to receive your certified mail

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Filling out the DS-160 Form - "Passport Information"

You will find all necessary information in your passport. Please be sure your passport is valid for at least 2 years by the time of your planned arrival. All passports need to be biometric – check the front of your passport for the following symbol which indicates the „biometric“ status of your document:

  • Passport / Travel Document Number – If you ordered a new passport, please enter the new passport number. You can call the administrative office („Bürgeramt“) where you ordered your new passport to retrieve your passport number
  • Passport Book Number – does not apply to German and Austrian citizens
DS-160 Passport Information

Filling out the DS-160 Form - "US Point of Contact Information"

Please list your host family as your „US Point of Contact“

Organization Name: Select „Do Not Know“

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continue to the next section!

DS-160 US Point of Contact Information

Filling out the DS-160 Form - "Family Information: Relatives"

Please enter names and birthdays of your biological or adoptive parents (if you do not know one of your parents, you may select „Do Not Know“).

DS-160 Family Information Relatives

Should you have a close family member living in the US, please select „Yes“ and answer the following questions.

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continue to the next section!

Filling out the DS-160 Form - "Present Work / Education / Training Information"

DS-160 Present Work Education Training Information
DS-160 Form Present Work Education Training Information
Please select your primary occupation and then enter information of your current employment, training or school
  • Monthly Income – select „No“, if you do not receive a salary from your current occupation
  • If you entered information of your current vocational training or school, you may answer „In training to become a DEGREE, graduating in MONTH AND YEAR.“

Filling out the DS-160 Form - "Previous Work / Education / Training Information"

DS-160 Previous Work Education Training Information Form
After saving and moving on to the next section, you will be asked to enter more details about your previous employment and education of the last 5 years.

If you had any jobs in the past, select „Yes“ and fill out all fields.

Please enter the information of your previous school (elementary or middle school is not relevant).
DS-160 Previous Work Education Training Information
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continue to the next section!

Filling out the DS-160 Form - "Additional Work / Education / Training Information"

Please answer all questions truthfully.
DS-160 Additional Work Education Training Information Form
DS-160 Additional Work Education Training Information
If you have traveled to other countries / regions, please add all countries you have visited in in the last 5 years. Click „Add Another“ to select any additional destinations.

Filling out the DS-160 Form - "Security and Background: Part 1"

DS-160 Security and Background Part 1
You should be able to answer all questions with „No“.
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Remember to save before you continue to the next section!

Filling out the DS-160 Form - "Security and Background: Part 2"

DS-160 Security and Background Part 2

You should be able to answer all questions with „No“.

Filling out the DS-160 Form - "Security and Background: Part 3"

DS-160 Security and Background Part 3
You should be able to answer all questions with „No“.
Save Icon
Remember to save before you continue to the next section!

Filling out the DS-160 Form - "Security and Background: Part 4"

DS-160 Security and Background Part 4

You should be able to answer all questions with „No“.

Filling out the DS-160 Form - "Security and Background: Part 5"

DS-160 Security and Background Part 5

You should be able to answer all questions with „No“.

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Remember to save before you continue to the next section!

Filling out the DS-160 Form - "Additional Point of Contact Information"

DS-160 Additional Point of Contact Information Form
DS-160 Additional Point of Contact Information Region
DS-160 Additional Point of Contact Information
DS-160 Additional Point of Contact Information Form (Complete)

On this page, you are asked to enter two contacts (no relatives) who can verify your information that you have provided on the application, for example friends or neighbors. Make sure you let both contacts know that you have entered their information on your visa application (there is a chance they will be contacted by the consulate).

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Remember to save before you continue to the next section!

Filling out the DS-160 Form - "SEVIS Information"

  • SEVIS ID & Program Number – please go back to your visa instruction email to retrieve your personal SEVIS ID number and the Program Number
  • Do you intend to study in the US? – please select „No“, as you will be part of the J-1 program and you are only required to collect 6 credits at an accredited school in your first year which does not make you a full time student
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Remember to save before you continue to the next section!

DS-160 SEVIS Information

Filling out the DS-160 Form - "Photo Upload"

Please make yourself familiar with the current US visa photo requirements before you get you picture taken / upload your visa photo.

DS-160 Form Photo Upload
DS-160 Photo Upload

For more information, please check out the following link: https://travel.state.gov/content/travel/en/us-visas/visa-information-resources/photos.html

Filling out the DS-160 Form - "Confirm Photo"

If you photo did not meet the quality requirements, you can try again or move forward by clicking „Continue without a photo“

Please remember – No matter if your photo was accepted or not, you are required to bring two printed copies of your picture to your visa appointment.

DS-160 Confirm Photo

Click „Save“ and then hit the „REVIEW“ button.

Save Icon

Remember to save before you continue to the next section!

DS-160 Confirm and Save Photo

Reviewing your DS-160 Form

DS-160 Reviewing and Signing

Please review all of the information you have entered on your DS-160 form. Check the spelling and make sure all dates and numbers are entered correctly.

In case you need to edit an information, click „Edit“ which leads you back to the desired section you want to update.

Remember to hit the „Save“ button, if you are satisfied with your answers and go ahead to the next section and review all information.

Save Icon

Remember to save before you continue to the next section!

Sign and Submit your DS-160 Form

DS-160 Sign and Submit Form
Once you have completed reviewing your DS-160 form, it is time to „Sign and Submit“. Read the shown text carefully and then move on to the section at the bottom.

Familiarize yourself with the „Human Trafficking Prevention“ information provided and check the box once you are done.

Preparer of Application – Please select „No“.

E-Signature – To complete your DS-160 form, you need to enter your Passport Number and the code shown on your application form (do not copy the code shown in our example).

Once you have filled out both fields, you will be able to hit the „Sign and Submit Application“ button.

Remember to save before you continue to the next section!

Save Icon

Save and Print your Confirmation Page

DS-160 Save and Print your Confirmation Page 1

Now, you will see your personal DS-160 Confirmation Page. Please double check the information shown on the page. Continue to save and print it.

Remember, this is not a visa but you will need to print this page and bring it to your visa appointment.

You are not required to print out your entire DS-160 application form but you can certainly add it to your personal files.

In the section below, you will find further instructions regarding your paperwork and visa appointment. Please read the text carefully and prepare all needed documents.

You will see a „YOU MUST BRING“ remark listing additional documents:

  • Passport
  • SEVIS Registration and Payment Confirmation
  • DS-2019
  • You may bring additional documentation if you believe it supports your application

Please remember you applied for a J-1 Exchange Visitor (Au Pair) visa. This means you need to bring your DS-2019 form and SEVIS confirmation page (I-901). The mentioned DS-7002 form for interns and trainees does not apply to you!

DS-160 Save and Print your Confirmation Page 2

Should your confirmation page display this instead of your previously uploaded photo – do not panic! Simply bring two printed photos to your visa appointment.

Visa Payment & Appointment

Now, it is time to pay your visa fees. For this part of the visa application you first need to create an account on the US Travel Docs website. Please use the link below and follow the steps in this guide to pay for your J-1 Visa and to schedule your in-person interview.

US Travel Docs: www.ustraveldocs.com/de/en/nonimmigrant-visa.

You will find instructions about how to pay all fees, please follow along step by step!

Visa Payment & Appointment

Step 1 - Creating an account

Visa Payment Creating account

Visit the following website and click on the „Visa Login“ button. www.ustraveldocs.com/de/en/nonimmigrant-visa

Visa Payment Signup now

Click on „Sign up now“ to start the registration process. You will be redirected to a new page.

Once you have completed the registration process and need to access your account, you can simply login by entering your credentials and the captcha text.

Note for Visa Renewal:
You will need to register and create a new account, even if you had an account on the old visa appointment platform!

Visa Payment Fill out form

Fill out the registration form. Start by verifying your email address and then move on to the fields below.


  • Check your inbox and spam folder for the email verification code
  • For Visa Renewal: please use the email address you previously used on the old visa appointment platform.

Once you have created an account, you can simply use your credentials to log back into your account at any point.

Visa Payment Login account

During your first login, you will see the „Privacy Policy“. Please read it, check the box at the bottom and click „Continue“.

Visa Payment Privacy Policy

After your successful login, you will be asked to complete your profile.

Please enter your „Contact Email“ and select your „Preferred Language“ and „Country“. Then hit the „Submit“ button.

Visa Payment Complete profile

Step 2 - Fill out an application

Get Started:
Step 2 Fill out Application Getting Started

Now, you can start filling out your application. Click on „Start New Application“.

Picking up where you left off:

If you log in and already started an application, click on „Continue Application“ to retrieve your application.

In case you need to start all over, simply click on „Close Application and Start New Application“.

US Travel Docs Support:

If you are experiencing any technical issues, please contact the US Travel Docs support.
Step 2 Fill out Application Picking up where you left off

"Applicant Details" section: